If a handbag, tote, or similar good proves to be defective in material or workmanship under normal use anytime within the first year, we will repair or replace the item free of charge with same or comparable product. If an item proves to be defective, it will be replaced and we will retain the defective item.
Please note that items will vary in color, texture and pattern placement. These characteristics either occur naturally or are features that occur due to the hand-making processing of many of our items. Leather and fabric items will mature naturally over time, with age and with each wear. When wearing colored clothing, hand creams, oils and perfumes, these may all transfer onto the product. For information on how to care for your product please visit our ‘Product Care’ guide.
The warranty does not cover damages arising from dye transference, accidents or misuse, or from any alteration, service or repair performed by any party other than Prince Pearl. Prince Pearl does not offer a guarantee or repair service on merchandise purchased from an off-priced retailer or unauthorized retailer.
Subject to applicable conditions and exclusions, jewelry is protected from the original date of purchase by a one-year limited warranty (proof of purchase is required).
If jewelry proves to be defective in material or workmanship under normal use anytime within the first year, we will replace the item with the same or a comparable product free of charge.
If an item proves to be defective, it will be replaced and we will retain the defective item.
When wearing hand creams, oils and perfumes, these may all transfer onto jewelry and may ruin the surface. For information on how to care for your product please visit our ‘Product Care’ guide.
Please contact us at: info@princepearl.com for any warranty inquiries.